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Before EatScripture the only time I read my Bible was when a Pastor told me to turn to a certain passage or if I was knocking out a chapter a day of some self-gratifying challenge. Eric and Gina have opened my eyes to the intricacies of scripture and how to sit and see what treasures lie in every single word. I can never unsee the depth of God’s word that has been revealed to me, and I couldn’t be more thankful.


Wow! How have I not heard this before?,” is something I seem to ask myself frequently during an EatScripture Bible study…right after picking my jaw up from the floor. God is using Eric and Gina for His glory! EatScripture has taught me to read scripture through a new lens! Things that were once hidden have been revealed and that is Jesus Christ throughout the Bible.


A few months back [I was asked] to video record a “teaching” on a Genesis Bible lesson… So I chose Jacob & Esau and this week I’ve been working on my “lesson”. Your EatScripture podcast has been THE MOST HELPFUL tool for this project! Truly!!! I am so thankful you and Eric released such an incredible resource just in the nick of time for me to utilize. You guys have been in my ears a lot the past two weeks and you didn’t even know it! So Thank you!!!!!


I think God has called us to different things. He has called you to teach and disciple and you have listened to his calling. He has called me to support you in your ministry. It’s all God. 😊


I feel like I have this different, awakened perspective unveiled NOW that I see the Old Testament’s constant story of God’s plans not being dependent on what we do or don’t do. The fingerprints of grace. All of it.
So thank you! Your ministry is a blessing!!! And I think I may see the tension that all have to navigate when you two try to tell these ‘the-Bible-isn’t- about-you” stories to us churchy people. 😊I thank you and Eric for humbly walking this road so gracefully!


Do you ever feel like your biblical knowledge and literacy is not where you would like it to be? Well, Eric and Gina Robinson will make you realize that it is NOT – only because of how much they do know about scripture. I have already learned so much from them by getting involved in the EatScripture ministry.


Eric and Gina have been so graciously gifted by the Lord with deciphering and discerning scripture. EatScripture’s “way” of seeing the Word 100% changed my walk and relationship with the Holy Family.
By seeing the beautiful story of Jesus threaded throughout stories in the “Old Testament,” my whole perspective and relationship with the Word changed. Hearing that it is “divinely inspired” and actually SEEING it are two completely different things. Peeling back the layers of those stories I’d heard 100 times and then seeing Jesus, RIGHT THERE – it sets my heart on fire!!! It comforts me and confirms that God is SO big and SO capable and SO loving, that all of the past, present, and future will NEVER stop telling his perfect plan.


As we dwell in God’s Word, we see His very essence woven throughout history. From each turn of the page the life of Jesus and the life-giving truth of the Gospel bring forth a true reflection of the intentionality and supremacy of the Author. There is nothing more we can give someone than the truth of who Jesus is; EatScripture Ministry does just that. They are mission-focused, people-oriented followers of Jesus who bring the truth of the Gospel to all.
